Thursday, February 16, 2012

What do you think of the new multimillion tax dollar Latino Smithsonian?

What will they put in there?

Lowered Chevys ?

ID forgery machines?

Grapes? do you think of the new multimillion tax dollar Latino Smithsonian?
a statue of Barack Hussein 0bama welcoming themWhat do you think of the new multimillion tax dollar Latino Smithsonian?
What a load of s+hit!!! After all the economic woe's, their going to spend taxpayers money on ILLEGALS!!

What are they going to teach there, now to cross the border ILLEGALLY? Border crossing 101 w/ Prof. Juan Valdez!!

Well If you stop and think about it they have done wonders to the economy, moral of the nation and Chevy's!!!!!! They gave us new styles, either a red or blue bandanna tightly tied around the forehead and have done wonders to entertainment, the spicy fart!!!
Ignorance is bliss, I guess. Not all Latinos are illegal Mexicans, you know. And I can't help but think of Eva Longoria who is an 8th generation Texan. When speaking of her ancestors, she said: "We didn't cross the border. The border crossed us."What do you think of the new multimillion tax dollar Latino Smithsonian?
Yes we know how much you latrine poopers, nascar losers hate, and look down on Latinos, and minorities in general.

But you guys aren't racist, right? LOL
I have an easier time believing that pigs will some day fly.
Michelle Obama eating mexican food.What do you think of the new multimillion tax dollar Latino Smithsonian?
Yet another government waste of money.



Dirty Sanchez
Hadn't heard anything about it but if it doesn't speak English or try to, I'm against it.
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