Friday, February 3, 2012

What steps should the gov. take to significantly reduce citizens' consumption of gasoline?

I see people driving big new gas guzzling Ford F-series trucks, full size Chevys and Dodge trucks

and they are just driving around, never hauling anything in the bed, and they want to live 50-100 miles from where they work, and BP oil is washing ashore a mile from where I live! WTF!What steps should the gov. take to significantly reduce citizens' consumption of gasoline?
- Put a proportional tax on pollution.

- Maintain an adequate, accessible system of public transportation.

- Zone cities so as to minimize commute distances.What steps should the gov. take to significantly reduce citizens' consumption of gasoline?
How about we force Hollywood peeps out of their mansions- turn them into apartments for the 25% of the homeless who live in California, and use AL Gores home for a Illegal Immigrant public housing unit, We give them all horse to ride around town and ban light bulbs! I bet most liberals would love that!What steps should the gov. take to significantly reduce citizens' consumption of gasoline?
Probably nothing. The government needs to get on BP's *** about what has happened, and not try to pay for it themselves, make BP take full responsibility. Besides, I like my new F-250. But I'm okay, that's diesel. :pWhat steps should the gov. take to significantly reduce citizens' consumption of gasoline?
Make traveling on buses and train safer

build more mass transportation
Tell you what, Dustin, go live in a state where the state feels this is a public policy issue and the citizens of the state elect people to come to your home and make sure your auto is a certain kind and your fuel consumption is below a certain level.

That way, you won't be giving the fed more unconstitutional power.

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